Monday, April 12, 2010


     I turned on the radio today, April 12, 2010, to hear NPR running a program about the merciless gunning down of civilians and journalists in Iraq, recently revealed by Wiki leaks   I have tried to post that video to this blog but I have noticed these videos often don't seem to work anymore.  Anyone who looks at that video, and it is available if you look for it, is going to be shocked.

Here is a link.  A true patriot released this video and it is something the United States wants to hide at all costs, the truth about the illegal occupation of Iraq.  This is the daily work of our supposedly wonderful soldiers, not an exception.

Unarmed civilians are viewed at a distance so the United States forces are completely out of range of even imaginary weapons.  So a casual dialogue unfolds as one glorious soldier talks to another even more wonderful dude and then they shoot unarmed civilians, again and again, and again.

    So these all American yahoos fire 30 caliber machine gun fire at pedestrians and then at a van trying to help the wounded.  The closed minded evil of the Americans is so clear.  This is evil and the justification of it is pure evil.  NPR is part of the military industrial media complex.  This is not a just war and any American who supports it is participating in evil as indeed I am, at least to some extent, for paying my taxes. 

   There is no justification for this massacre or the war.  For NPR to once again promote military gibberish about how this is all ok tells us what NPR is all about, justifying the rule of the few over the many whether the few are the citizens of one privileged nation like Israel or another privileged nation like the United States.  You have to massacre the many like they don't matter to achieve this and that is what NPR was justifying today.

The quotation by Orwell fits NPR to a tee, "Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable..."  NPR
does that better than anyone on behalf of Liberal reaction.

    Crucially, the empty headed rhetoric about military service, military honor, and rules of engagement is at the heart of U. S. and in this particular case NPR's justification of massacres and mass murder.

     It is incredible.  One fool after another calls in and confesses their war crimes.  I dropped napalm on a village to save my men one dude with a peculiar accent asserts.  This caller is saying that all the rules of engagement that the guest is talking about really don't apply even though the guest just justified the massacre of civilians in Iraq.   I brought my people home says.  It doesn't matter that the invasion of foreign lands was not justified in any way.

     I am livid.  NPR, understanding supporter of the massacre of civilians and journalists.  Remember this next fund raiser.

      Now, longtime imperialist stooge, Clarence Paige is telling us we didn't invade Iraq because of WMD's.

  Perhaps with the economy tanking the NPR propagandists are vying with one another to keep their jobs.  To indicate their employability they must indicate their subservience to imperialist, Zionist, and capitalist ideology and power.  This is after a long dialogue with Neil Conan about how personable and "deep" the hard core racists in the United States are, also hiding behind the bull shit of military honor.

Liberal reaction. It sounds different than Conservative reaction but it serves the tiny and privileged elites making wars on the rest of us.  NPR.

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