The NPR story begins referring to an "international controversy" about the Israeli raid on the Freedom Flotilla last Monday. You see, there is no controversy here in the United States, we all support the raid? That is the consensus that NPR and significant sectors of our society want to maintain: blind, uncritical support and bankrolling for the very aggressive state of Israel. In fact, Israel occupies Syrian land and has a history of invading Lebanon, bombing Iraq and even the USS Liberty.
So what is NPR's big news story from the recent efforts to break the siege of Gaza? NPR concludes that a "spotlight" must be shone on IHH, a humanitarian organization that we are going to be made very paranoid about. Funny, that is the same campaign IDF and Israel are doing! Coincidence maybe?
The participants from scores of other groups are completely ignored. Freedom flotilla participants come from forty nations but NPR takes on Israel's campaign against Turkey. NPR doesn't quite demonize Turkey but that sees to be the direction in which Israel is headed.
Hamas is already wearing the American/Israeli made label of "terrorist". It is interesting, is that all we do in the US now, sell fraudulent investments and label anyone we disagree a terrorist, THEN RUN LIKE HELL FROM THE FACTS? A lot of this Morning Edition story embraces this labeling of Hamas a terrorist without any examination or thought. Why are they labeled terrorists and why are we always ill informed about the views of these so-called terrorists? In this case eight unarmed civilians were each shot in the head four times each, yet their corpses are labeled "terrorist corpses" while the IDF killers magically become the victims.
It seems that the label "terrorist" allows powerful interests to spread self-serving lies and disinformation while shutting off reliable and accurate information. This is just the opposite of what a journalistic enterprise should be doing.
Well, NPR did its best to make us suspicious about IHH and the evil humanitarians trying to harm Israel by breaking the siege of Gaza. They are good for that!
Does NPR support the siege of Gaza? Why is there no "spotlight" on the UN resolution to end the siege of Gaza? Why no "spotlight" on the property stolen from hundreds of Freedom Flotilla passengers, why no "spotlight" on the ships confiscated. Why no "spotlight" on the issue of Israeli piracy versus Somali piracy. Why no compassion for the 1.6 million people of Gaza? The siege and sovereignty of the Palestinians are always ignored. Why don't you send reporters there you. ass sitters?
Why no spotlight on the seizure of the ship Rachel Corrie? There was a Nobel price winner on board and Dennis Halliday on that ship! That is amazing! Former Iraq weapons inspector Dennis Halliday used to be allowed on NPR but now he doesn't uncritically support Israeli behavior and American invasions. I guess you don't let people like that on your show let alone cover them, no "spotlight" for reality. NPR, THE ZIONIST SPOTLIGHT.
Why no "spotlight" on the 60 journalists who were treated like crap and had their materials confiscated by the IDF so they could not report? Why no focus on the sophisticated hit list booklet seen by passengers in the Freedom Flotilla? Can there be any question that NPR is a bastion of the Zionist consensus in American ruling circles? NPR has always been a mechanism for the distribution of ruling class ideas and since the fifties our ruling class has become a largely Zionist one. Then there could have been a spotlight on the special munition removed from one victim of the IDF, unseen before by Turkish forensics, a special bullet concocted by whom?
At the end of the day NPR's "spotlight" is often directed by Zionist ideology, not the facts, not by newsworthiness and not by journalistic excellence.
Monday, June 7, 2010
freedom flotilla,
progressive education,
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