Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Geez, Louise, I think I'll sneeze!  Terri the Gross seems to be trying to be a coconspirator in the military planning in Afghanistan!  What about this?  What about that!

There are so many opportunities for Terri to ask a question that leads in a progressive direction, but she never takes that opportunity.  {insert colonic emission sound}


On January 27th this year of the empire 2010

Terri Gross, {whom I affectionately refer to as Gross Terri, with a sound of emitting flatulence immediately following} is hosting a brilliant expert on the blunders of the stinking empire in Iraq. (insert emission sound here)

It is so enlightening to listen as this clear thinking expert reviews the catastrophes wrought by the imperialist intervention in Iraq.  Let us never forget that NPR shamelessly promoted this war and defends it to this day.

Also, what about  NPR doing a microanalysis of the scoundrels screwing up this country too?  NPR has never done anything like look at who is behind socially engineered catastrophes in America.  Shameless and blind!


We are talking with the dude who wants to openly support regime change in Iraq the NPR host should say.  But what about BBC and NPR, the semiofficial organs of the Anglo-American empire have to say about previously denying such intervention.

What is the real motive of this guest.  Is it to BUILD public opinion about American interference in Iran since it has already been going on?  Very probably.

Of course, Robert Kagan is now discussing American interference in the internal affairs of other nations as an accepted norm!  This man is a true servant of the empire!  {Reward him with Top Security clearances!  Now he can tell us there is a secret we don't know that means we have to accept his stupid violent message, support and pay for something that is obviously wrong, stupid and evil! Oops!  There I go again!}

Then what about Kagan's  horrible concern that an Israeli attack would be be wrong only because it is unlikely to be a success! This guy is a partisan and a representative of imperialist and  the US Zionist polity. NPR promotes this kind of reactionary rubbish all the time.  It is the semi-official organ of US government-think and the US based Zionist consensus.

It is almost hilarious how the nuclear weapon issue weaves in and out of this sales pitch for imperialist intervention.  It obviously has little or nothing to do with it.


I hate having to do this but now NPR has some guy one who is probably a lifelong Zionist, member of the JDL or a  National Security Insider.  Pandering to the national whims of Israel, no other nation is treated like this on NPR, NPR is promoting war even as this guest says he is not.

NPR really sucks!  Shameless militarism with a soft touch.

I am so touched that the stinking NPR host suggests a "coalition of the willing" to attack Iran!  Incredible.  What an orifice of the Pentagon!  Even the guest backs off from that suggestion, after all, even if that is the logical next step for imperialism we are not supposed to say it so plainly yet.

It is sabre rattling as one caller suggests.  NPR rattling the sabre again.  It really stinks.
He exposed them so well!  Of course the clueless NPR imperialists are happy to remind the caller, don't see what is right in front of you.


  Temple Grandin is an amazing person and she has a lot to teach us about whaever was and remains wrong with her, if anything.  Yet the whole thing ends up at the slaughterhouse and her life story ends up being a very sophisticated version of the phrase you see on billboards in farming country,

I write this as one of the more beef dependent people on earth, at least until a few years ago.  

The billboards are usually not very high tech and the message is blunt, honest and straightforward.  Grandin, on the other hand, almost makes the slaughter of cattle into a sacred rite.

Why has NPR never asked her or any other guest what they are being paid per year and over decades by the industries and financial interests they represent?  Why, never?

Isn't it obvious.  NPR, the soft sell panderers to this or that industry but never the working people of the United States or any other nation unless... but that is for a later entry.


Listening to NPR today I am both grateful and critical.  After all NPR is designed for the caste of Americans who are either somewhat educated or simply concerned about the real world.  Most of the other radio programs appeal more blatantly to commercial interest and any real news is rare.  Indeed the AM conservatives have established a parallel universe where facts seem to
be at a distinct disadvantage over rampaging delusions.

On the other hand APPLE is just another corporation trying to make a buck.  Why should that matter to NPR audiences?  Because they are the ipod people, the remnants of society who can afford to pay for everything, every song and if APPLE has its way you will be paying for that song until you die.

APPLE and others hope to charge you for reading in the future and they hope to make their new tablet device will not only burn a hole in your pocket but will capture your eyeballs for an endless onslaught of commercial messages.

Of course here is no discussion of the details about how  APPLE will take you to the laundry but if you are really a middle class person I guess you don't care if you spend a hundred bucks on tunes.

What about the rest of the United States and the world.  Whatever happened to the 100 dollar laptop, freeware and open source.  You don't hear about that on NPR which is just as much a captive of private wealth as the commercial stations.

How clueless is the ipod caste?  Are their spaced out kids going to have any understanding of anything are they just being 
"good kids", hoping they two can be middle class and clueless forever.

Yet that is the way NPR is, clueless about class, caste, oppressions or the struggles against them.  They're really good at quoting the captalists little bellweathers like the DOW and NASDAQ.  

Oh, wonderful, a middle class miracle, Temple Grandin.  They are channeling her now.  See ya!

Friday, January 15, 2010


    Today we had another NPR story about the Jewish holocaust.  It was really about the current Pope trying to deify another Pope, or whatever they call it, it is a form of quasi deification.  So Pope Benedict the whatever wants to do something to celebrate Hitler's Pope, Pope Pius the Last One. 

    The  Pope to be deified apparently was a bit of a Nazi collaborator.  Of course the current Pope was a member of the Hitler Youth, which, of course, couldn't have anything to do with his desire to deify Hitler's Pope.  It was a reasonable story in and of itself but why do we hear so much about the Jewish Holocaust seventy years ago and so little about the ongoing holocaust in Israel as Israel imprisons, shoots, bombs and starves the Palestinians?

    As Hitlerphiles and contributors to the Holocaust these Popes are not really so holy to anyone with a brain.  They both seem to have had something to do with it and this Benedict, well he is ready to forgive himself and the other Pope and to imagine that God is on his side, like all the other religious deviants.

    At one point the NPR reader said something about how Jewish people have criticized the Pope.  It was said as if the opinions of Jews matter.  I think they do but, I wish the NPR staff would say such things about say, the Palestinian people when representing their opinions, as if the Palestinians mattered.

    Didn't hear anything about GAZA today on NPR.  Indeed, I hardly ever do.  Of course the tables are now changed and now, as I write the Palestinians have been held in concentration camp like conditions in Gaza the West Bank and in refugee camps.  The Palestinians are being killed and enslaved now.  How can this be less newsworthy than the death of folks seventy years ago.  The obvious answer is that it isn't.  

This time Jews and Israelis rather than Christians and Germans are the bad guys.  Is that why NPR can't cover or criticize Israel appropriately.  Somehow, NPR never thinks that this ongoing tragedy imposed by the Jewish State seems to be as newsworthy as the Holocaust and those who collaborated with them and indeed were them.  

  Go figure.  National Holocaust Radio?  Does such an Israelcentric perspective really serve the interests of justice?  I don't think so.

NPR has had little or nothing to say about the Goldstone Report.  Nor have we heard about the charges being filed against Israeli leaders in different venues around the world.  All the Palestine solidarity efforts, big news throughout the rest of the world, has been completely whited out in favor of human interest stories about the hardships of Israelis, one of the most privileged populations on Earth.

Of course this is all U.S. government policy and NPR has always been in bed with our government, uncritical from the start, when it passively watched Nixon arrest thousands of antiwar demonstrators, to today as it acts as the mouthpiece of the State Department and the Zionist lobby.

The Israelis and Egyptians get to read about all these issues and hear about it on the radio and watch it on TV but the American people are not allowed to see what NPR doesn't consider as important as something that happened seventy years ago.



   I keep on hearing about the gratitude to the undistributed aide that has been in Haiti for days but remains under American control, undistributed to the starving millions.  

   The real story is that the United States and all the first world "helpers" are helping the Haitian ruling class and evacuating first worlders as the millions remain unattended, and without any rights or even the necessities of life.  Business as usual in the capitalist hell of Haiti.


I want to express a partial gratitude to Ira Flatow and NPR for having any sort of science programming and, once again, you don't see this sort of programming on the radio anywhere else.

     I learn a lot from the program but I have noticed in focuses a lot on technology and often Ira seems to have a lack of interest in the actual science of the technology.  Fortunately he is not as much into "dumbing down" the science as he was a couple decades ago.  Like some other popularizers of
science he started out a little like a clownish buffoon and almost seemed apologetic for talking about science.  Now he is much better.

    Still, I notice in his discussion of lasers today he seemed to get bored with the actual discussion of some science when speaking to one of the creators of the laser.  I think they just confused two completely different phenomena with lasers and the way the light looks spotty.  Ira was probably talking about one thing and the scientist was talking about the floaters in the eye.  Am I wrong?  Ira was unable to tease this out even though he may be right about what he was saying, that only some cones are activated leaving the others somehow transmitting spots.  Of course it may have another explanation or not.

Ira could have gone into how a laser actually works, how atoms emit the light in quanta of different frequencies as electrons go from one energy state to a lower one.  He keeps it too simple and fails to explore even the basic science that he could otherwise address.

I was glad to hear from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists too.  I think Ira could have been a little more skeptical about moving the clock back sixty seconds.  That seems like wishful thinking.  His guest seemed to realize that Obama may be just talking about getting rid of nuclear weapons, if you don't have them yet!  Obama has never confronted any nuclear weapon holder with a demand for reduction, certainly Israel remains under his protection in terms of even recognizing they have nukes.


    I have not done much on this blog but that is not because it isn't important.  After all, NPR, like the BBC provides a steady supply of news, most of which is related to really existing events.  The mass media outside the realm public broadcasting is, on the other hand, focused on selling things, making money and of course the conservative press often manufactures big lies and conservative delusions which are reported as news.

    So, again, there are some new organizations that actually report a lot of the news but most of the so-called news is schlock and pandering to popular prejudices and defending the old cracker capitalist order.
I am something of an NPR addict but that doesn't mean they are above scrutiny or that
NPR is progressive in terms of any liberation

    NPR serves the ideological function of providing a LIBERAL perspective.  It is a liberalism that endorses and supports the power of the ruling elites and never questions their rule.  Socialism and communism have no
place on NPR.  Indeed, NPR, is one of the few organizations remaining that is capable of painting a more-or-less consistent mythology about free enterprise, American so-called democracy and so on and so forth.

    This LIBERALISM is not progressive and it is not liberating.  NPR LIBERALISM is obviously in the mainstream of imperialist and anti-working class ideology.  NPR expresses concerns about the starving survivors in Port au Prince finding something to eat in the rubble.  Why?  Private property!

     The stores are collapsed, the foodstuffs are in the rubble but NPR wants to keep the capitalist order rather than let the starving eat.  NPR also is very delicate in wondering why the thousands of tons of supplies in Port au Prince are not being distributed.

  NPR also sets the limits for what is regarded as legitimate "leftism" such as making Obama's almost insignificant tax on financial insititutions, almost a rounding error says Robert Reich, into a big deal.  NPR and Obama are really on the same frequency which explains why Obama is a conservative in everything but certain gender related issues.

  Yet a tiny chance like this that is really no change of substance is, for NPR, the far left of legitimate political debate and discussion.
    NPR has also done its best, since Obama's 
election, to restore the order of the confused
conservative camp.  As the Republicans and conservatives have fumbled, become disunited and disoriented NPR has again and again put their spokespeople forward, providing something of a basis for the reorganization of the more brutal and more ignorant followers of Conservatism and the Republicans.

   Indeed, MSNBC, has, for the time being, some commentators and programming that is significantly more LIBERAL than NPR.  NPR has never scrutinized or criticized right wingers in the Republican Party.  MSNBC has.

   The NPR reporting on Haiti has been better than most of the so-called news media.  Yet I just heard an atrocious discussion of Haiti during this earthquake crisis.  NPR misrepresented the recent and ancient history of Haiti-US relations.

    The NPR woman commentator claims the United States policy towards Haiti has been inconsistent and mentioned the "restoration" of Aristide by Clinton.  This is the first time I have heard the name Aristide in the American press since the earthquake.  Yet it is widely known that Clinton's manuever was more of an effort keep Aristide out of Haiti, allow him a very short portion of his term in office but with the provisio that he would not run for the Presidency again.

   Bush on the other hand was represented as not doing anything about the subsequent coup against Aristide.  But this is a complete falsification of history.  It was the Bush administration that kidnapped Aristide, and took him to Africa.  Aristide was not sidelined by the Clinton maneuver so Bush carried out the coup.  NPR paints a picture where the United States is on the sidelines rather than the executioner of the coup.

Bush should be prosecuted for overthrowing the democratically elected President of Haiti.  NPR would never express such a view or allow such a view in its programming.

NPR reports that on the third day after the quake that the United States is not distributing the supplies it has piled up in Port au Prince.  Why?  Is it US imperialism again?
Probably, but we will never hear about it from NPR.