Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Listening to NPR today I am both grateful and critical.  After all NPR is designed for the caste of Americans who are either somewhat educated or simply concerned about the real world.  Most of the other radio programs appeal more blatantly to commercial interest and any real news is rare.  Indeed the AM conservatives have established a parallel universe where facts seem to
be at a distinct disadvantage over rampaging delusions.

On the other hand APPLE is just another corporation trying to make a buck.  Why should that matter to NPR audiences?  Because they are the ipod people, the remnants of society who can afford to pay for everything, every song and if APPLE has its way you will be paying for that song until you die.

APPLE and others hope to charge you for reading in the future and they hope to make their new tablet device will not only burn a hole in your pocket but will capture your eyeballs for an endless onslaught of commercial messages.

Of course here is no discussion of the details about how  APPLE will take you to the laundry but if you are really a middle class person I guess you don't care if you spend a hundred bucks on tunes.

What about the rest of the United States and the world.  Whatever happened to the 100 dollar laptop, freeware and open source.  You don't hear about that on NPR which is just as much a captive of private wealth as the commercial stations.

How clueless is the ipod caste?  Are their spaced out kids going to have any understanding of anything are they just being 
"good kids", hoping they two can be middle class and clueless forever.

Yet that is the way NPR is, clueless about class, caste, oppressions or the struggles against them.  They're really good at quoting the captalists little bellweathers like the DOW and NASDAQ.  

Oh, wonderful, a middle class miracle, Temple Grandin.  They are channeling her now.  See ya!

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