Friday, January 15, 2010


    Today we had another NPR story about the Jewish holocaust.  It was really about the current Pope trying to deify another Pope, or whatever they call it, it is a form of quasi deification.  So Pope Benedict the whatever wants to do something to celebrate Hitler's Pope, Pope Pius the Last One. 

    The  Pope to be deified apparently was a bit of a Nazi collaborator.  Of course the current Pope was a member of the Hitler Youth, which, of course, couldn't have anything to do with his desire to deify Hitler's Pope.  It was a reasonable story in and of itself but why do we hear so much about the Jewish Holocaust seventy years ago and so little about the ongoing holocaust in Israel as Israel imprisons, shoots, bombs and starves the Palestinians?

    As Hitlerphiles and contributors to the Holocaust these Popes are not really so holy to anyone with a brain.  They both seem to have had something to do with it and this Benedict, well he is ready to forgive himself and the other Pope and to imagine that God is on his side, like all the other religious deviants.

    At one point the NPR reader said something about how Jewish people have criticized the Pope.  It was said as if the opinions of Jews matter.  I think they do but, I wish the NPR staff would say such things about say, the Palestinian people when representing their opinions, as if the Palestinians mattered.

    Didn't hear anything about GAZA today on NPR.  Indeed, I hardly ever do.  Of course the tables are now changed and now, as I write the Palestinians have been held in concentration camp like conditions in Gaza the West Bank and in refugee camps.  The Palestinians are being killed and enslaved now.  How can this be less newsworthy than the death of folks seventy years ago.  The obvious answer is that it isn't.  

This time Jews and Israelis rather than Christians and Germans are the bad guys.  Is that why NPR can't cover or criticize Israel appropriately.  Somehow, NPR never thinks that this ongoing tragedy imposed by the Jewish State seems to be as newsworthy as the Holocaust and those who collaborated with them and indeed were them.  

  Go figure.  National Holocaust Radio?  Does such an Israelcentric perspective really serve the interests of justice?  I don't think so.

NPR has had little or nothing to say about the Goldstone Report.  Nor have we heard about the charges being filed against Israeli leaders in different venues around the world.  All the Palestine solidarity efforts, big news throughout the rest of the world, has been completely whited out in favor of human interest stories about the hardships of Israelis, one of the most privileged populations on Earth.

Of course this is all U.S. government policy and NPR has always been in bed with our government, uncritical from the start, when it passively watched Nixon arrest thousands of antiwar demonstrators, to today as it acts as the mouthpiece of the State Department and the Zionist lobby.

The Israelis and Egyptians get to read about all these issues and hear about it on the radio and watch it on TV but the American people are not allowed to see what NPR doesn't consider as important as something that happened seventy years ago.


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